Here is where I post all of my works-in-progress and weirder projects. I like to think about this part of my portfolio as my design playground where there are no rules and I can post some of the graphics and videos that make me happy but are a pretty wild departure from my other work.

I always encourage any creative that I work with to create a file on their computer called “just for fun” and every now and again when their brains need a break, to work on something completely different that frees them from the project that they are currently working on. Sometimes I like to revisit old projects that are in this folder for me and start to disassemble them completely until all of their essential components are on the digital table in front of me. Then I like to start putting them back together. I like to imagine that it helps tap back into the doing-it-because-it’s-enjoyable approach to design and creation. Isn’t that, after all, why all design-minded people got into this kind of work in the first place?

I hope you enjoy this ever-evolving carousel of tour de force madness!


Patch Bay Monsters

Professor Albus Dumbledore Portraits